Day today we come across different people and have different experience with them.But there are few people we actually remember....infact want to meet again.And now a days, new species have evolved, like whole new race.As i have observed,there are some people whom i always find happy.....they radiate happiness.Infact ,their aura is such that when ever i find them on my radar, smile summons like pimple on the face that doesn't go away.And its not just one person,they are multiple in my life.And all of them have one thing in common.....they are all positive thinkers and i call them POSPERS (positive{thinkers} person).So here are some qualities which are easily observable in this species;-
- They smile alot in public and people around them looks like they have just met Eutychia.
- They never say no . They have their own way of saying different opinion.And argument,,, 'argument' is not even a dictionary word.No wonder even the intense people don't mind their company.
- (this one is bit boring at times but useful in their own sense) They might be good listeners but when it comes to speak about the topic like positive approach towards life and better option among the two....they can't stop themselves.They test your patience and you are left as a poor listener without a single comment of being an enduring one.
- They have some source of ultimate positivity that even at times of problem, they maintain their virtue.Sometime only misunderstanding accompany them,specially in the case where the similar positivity is not reciprocated.Still they are the SURVIVORS!!! (i mean many a times ;)
- And at last they are true Friends, good at heart. (dil par bhi lange to style mein) they know how to forgive in friendship and let petty things go.
These qualities are the mixture of observations i have made in all the POSPER i have met. I have been lucky to encounter few and blessed with one.May god produce them in bulk.May be '1 par 1 free'.(1 free with each)