Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Windows Server Migration Activities

1. Stop the Application specific webserver/appserver services like IIS service, JBoss, Tomcat or any  other software that is installed on the server explicitly. Open the service manager by 
A. Go to start
B. Go to run
C. Type 'services.msc' . Press 'ok'.
D. Choose the services to be stopped and click on 'stop'.

2. Set the services to 'Manual' (Not on 'Automatic'). This will ensure that when server is started again these services will not come up on itself.

3. In case there is any scheduled jobs on the server, make sure that all of them are suspended temporarily.

4. Database server mapping changes-
Admin tools> OJDBC data source administrator > System DSN> see the services which have 'SQL service' > Select it> configure> update the server name of DB> Next> update Passward> Next

For Oracle
Make changes in TSNnames.ora file. Dont make changes manual. Use 'Oracle Net manager'.

Start>all Programs> Oracle OraClient10g_home2>configuration and Migration Tools> Net Manager

Add the New Host name (new database name) or new SID that is to be used for data connection after Migration.

5. Check in each Website in IIS, if it is mapped to correctIP.
Website>app>properties>IP Address

6. After Migration some changes will be done in RSA end as well(In case you are using RSA as authentication for any of the application on the server )
Control panel>RSA Authentication Agent> Advanced>clear note secret
change IP
main tab> test the RSA> 'Success' come up in the dialog box.

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